TTSM Unisex Disabled Toilet Left Hand Transfer Signs


Finish: White and Blue


Complies with The Building Code of Australia (Section D3.6)
Complies with Design for Access and Mobility (AS1428.1-2011)
Complies with Public Information Symbol Signs (AS2899.1-1986)

  • Tactile character (braille) & symbols have a minimum 30% luminance–contrast with the background.
  • Manufactured from PVC to a depth of 3 mm (Because of the thickness no backing panel is required).
  • Injection moulded so that all graphics are of a continuous nature for hygiene purposes as set out in Building Code of Australia BCA section D3.6
  • Moulded signs mean that adhesive failure on symbol, letters and braille dots is impossible which in turn extends the life of each sign.
  • Internationally recognised symbols.
  • Internal/external use