While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information found on this website it is important to note that some or all of this information is subject to change by manufacturers from time to time and S.A.S Locksmiths can not be held responsible for this. If you are in doubt, or you need clarification, please consult our sales team by phone or email for assistance.
Many items that are able to be viewed on this site may not be readily available and may require some delays in availability. Please contact our sales team should you wish to confirm or clarify any product or service availability.
S.A.S Locksmiths and each individual manufacturer found on our site, reserves the right to change product information, availability, range and specifications without notice. Product images are not intended to be shown to scale, and in some instances, display a variant of a product from within that category; as a result, the item you receive may differ slightly from that shown in the image.
S.A.S Locksmiths will not be responsible for any loss, damage or risk arising from use of our products, or the information contained within this catalogue, to the maximum extent of applicable laws.
Certain product and brand names used in this catalogue are the registered brands and/or trademarks of their respective owners, and may be subject to copyright protection. Check with the respective brand/trademark owner before using their brand/trademark.
Should you require any further information or clarification on any of the information provided on this site, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.